
Every African Child Counts

Rochas Foundation is a non- governmental, non-profit and non-political organization, incorporated on the 24th of February 1998.

Rochas Foundation is the charity organization behind the unending joy and hope for many children across Africa. Having made its mark on the sands of time, the foundation has helped thousand of poor and downtrodden, and catered for the educational needs of thousands of out of school children, giving them the opportunity of living their dreams and believing in their ability to contribute to societal growth. With a firm commitment to serve humanity and build a credible future for Africa by ensuring every less privileged child has access to comprehensive and qualitative education. Millions of African Children are not going to school due to poverty. Instead of the promise of a better future through education with all its attendant benefits, these children engage in street trading to help them and their families survive.

Give Education for Children

Our mission at the Rochas Foundation is to provide equitable access to quality education for all individuals in Africa, regardless of their socioeconomic background. We strive to empower communities through education, fostering lifelong learning and promoting individual growth. We believe that education is a fundamental human right and a key driver for social and economic development.

Empowering communities through education

Our NGO is dedicated to providing access to quality education and learning opportunities to underserved populations, promoting lifelong learning and fostering sustainable development

Sponsor children from all over Africa


To build the first foundation tree growing out of Africa, providing educational shelter for the less privileged all over the world.

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Rochas Foundation is a non- governmental, non-profit and non-political organization, incorporated on the 24th of February 1998.

With a firm commitment to serve humanity and build a credible future for Africa by ensuring every less privileged child has access to comprehensive and qualitative education

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